An impromptu Fellowship of the Nerds is assembled to explain how to break The Hobbit into three movies. Jury duty stories! Adam Goldberg’s roommate!
Episode: 21 – Adventurtunity Mobisode!
Mayor Harmon does his Bane impression and practices getting booed in various cities for the upcoming tour. In D&D: the heroes finally encounter Sharpie’s dad.
Episode: 20 – Flesh Knife
Note: the audience was not mic’d this episode. More horrible rapping, a new character named Big Red, a phone call to Chevy Chase and a conversation with Adam Goldberg. In D&D: our heroes fall into a pit!
Episode: 19 – Everyone’s a Rapper!
Mayor Harmon comes up spittin’ decidedly unmad fire. We meet a mysterious lady in the audience that can only say “no.” No D&D this week but Spencer rules the day just the same. Adam Goldberg takes a swipe at having a segment. Dan raps EVEN MORE. New Harmenian “Misha” takes the stage and does some standup. Dan and Jeff rap battle!
Episode: 18 – Sand Pollution: The Journals of Young Morrisey
Dan reads from his magical adolescent journals, casting a magical spell of adolescent depression over the entire audience and the dungeons and dragons session. So he brings up a depressed Harmenian and attempts to cure him. But by then he’s pretty drunk.
Episode: 17 – Grumblesnakes!
It’s election night fever when Dan and Jeff realize that the episode will air long after the election. Clearly a devout Democrat, Dan complains about his hired help before bringing up a real live woman to referee history’s least informed Harry Potter trivia competition. Plus: transitional D&D! Freestyle rapping! Not knowing how to end the show!
Episode: 16 – A Four Day March to the Butt’s Expanse
It’s a Jareth-palooza as Harmenians descend on Hollywood dressed as David Bowie in Labyrinth for Halloween. Other topics include almost nothing!
Episode: 15 – Don’t Ask Black People Time Travel Questions
Dan has nothing, so he answers twitter questions. Adam Goldberg takes over the show, then, Dan interviews ethnic people. Plus: in D&D world: the party levels up!
Episode: 14 – Tyler Perry’s Antisemitic Pickle Ziggurat (10.15.12)
An unflinching examination of Dan’s mustache absorption becomes a flinching examination of Harmontown regular Adam Goldberg. Plus: special guest Steve Agee drops by for a discussion of airline food and the ridiculous infiltration of Admiral Darkstar’s stronghold.
Episode: 13 – Back To The Future Part Kush (10.01.12)
Dan complains about things he’s not allowed to complain about, then outs himself as the world’s laziest gay rights and medical marijuana advocate. Plus, in D&D world: nothing happens!